Demonic Pleasure

Fabiha Labiba Subah

In midst of sandstorm, Jordan wakes up. There's smoke, sand and other things in the air. Correction;everything's in the air. What the hell is going on here? He tries to think where he is. Everything's coming down gradually. "Ouch!," his head is hurting a bit. Slowly he starts to remember things. He is a scientist in Tesla Researching Lab. He was after this project for last 7 years. Scientists have been working on humanoids, a human with abilities of a robot. Pretty awesome, isn’t it? And guess what - they invented the first humanoid in the history of human existence. But it was not his researching subject. He was trying to build a time machine at that time. He used to think,"Future will be so much comfortable,enjoyable and totally amazing. So why rotting in this century?"With this thought, he started his work. People called him crazy but that doesn’t matter anymore.
Jordan did what nobody else had ever done. He built a time machine. He got on his time machine and set 2128 as the target;exactly 100 years from then. Now he is here,probably in 2128, and it's time to check. He starts walking. There's a city nearby and it looks kinda big. He reaches to the city approximately at 12:00 pm. The city is quite impressive to look at. Tall buildings and towers, clean streets and no beggers! "Finally we're free from poverty",he says to himself. But strangely,there's no cars or any other vehicles or any people at all. It's like an amazing super hi- tech birthday party but no one has come to attend it. However he keeps moving.He's feeling hungry now but where should he go? He doesn’t know anything or anyone here. Luckily, he finds a building labelled 'The Restaurant'. "Weird name, " he thinks as he enters the building. No one's here as well," maybe lunch time's over."He sits on a chair and waits for a waiter to show up Suddenly, a robot comes out of the kitchen saying, "Hello! Welcome to The Restaurant. Would you like to eat now?" " Yes", he becomes a little confused, "It didn’t ask what I would like to eat.Strange!"It opens a chamber from it’s hand and brings out a small cube. It gives him the cube. He surprisingly asks, " Where's food?" " This is your food." The robot forcefully opens his mouth and pushes the cube in and leaves the room. He keeps sitting there astonishingly for a few seconds and slowly starts chewing. It doesn’t taste that bad and surprisingly he starts to regain his strength. He glances at the digital calendar that says September 2, 2128. Oh my God! He's here! Future is a little strange but it’s natural as he doesn’t know what happened in last 100 years. He wonders, "Tomorrow, 3rd September,is my 40th birthday. Tomorrow will be the day of my rebirth as a 22nd century human." He comes out of The Restaurant and starts walking. After eating, he's feeling very sleepy. Jordan finds a roadside bench under a huge tree. This will do. He startled towards the bench and couldn’t help but falling asleep. instantly.
A cold metalic inhuman thing touches Jordan's hair, more like brushes his hair. Someone says, " Hey,wake up! You'll get enough time to sleep." Jordan wakes up and what he sees is actually quite inhuman. Four humans or something like humans are standing around him. Their hands and legs along with some other parts of body are made of metal.They're more like superhuman. But they don't look friendly, rather scary. One says, " Hey there, we're here to hunt you." " Hunt!" Another sighs and says," Another illiterate tiny human. Volt, explain." Another guy,probably named Volt starts talking, " See, we're better than average human. We've these amazing abilities that make us even better than robots. So robots serve us and we don't have anything to do. That’s why, we invented a game. We find useless, weak normal human and hunt them down. It's exciting! By the way, what's your name?" Jordan starts shaking as his mind becomes numb. He mutters," Jordan...I'm Jordan Jades...Don't kill me please. I beg you." Volt says, " We can't do that. Once the decision is taken we can't change that." Four of them give him a wicked smile that shivers through his body. "Please..." " Oh, It's gonna be fun." This is not what Jordan thought. Future is supposed to be better. Human became so much better that they are not human anymore. " Run ", Volt says, " Run and we'll hunt you down."
Jordan runs and keeps running as he hears heavy footsteps and barbaric laughs behind him.